Our Beliefs
Our Authority – The Word of God
We believe, without reservation, in the divine inspiration and preservation of God’s revealed will and mind to man. The Bible comes to us in 66 books that are contextual expressions of the decrees of God. In the Holy Scriptures, we find principles that are still applicable to post-modern, pro-active, faith-walking 21st Century Christians today!
Our God – Omnipotent, Affectionate and One
We believe, without reservation, that there is one God who has revealed Himself through Creation as Father, through redemption as the Son and through sanctification as the Holy Spirit. This God is eager to enter into a covenant relationship with the lost sheep of this world – forgiving sins and providing protection and direction.
Our Purpose– The Word of God to the World
We believe, without reservation, in the supernatural involvement of God in the lives of man. Our purpose, as a church, is to introduce people, from all backgrounds, to the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible is alive with the power of the Holy Spirit Who inspired it! The Word of God challenges our hearts, and inspires faith which results in transformation!
Our Gospel – The Message of Salvation
We believe, without reservation, that the Gospel preached on the Day of Pentecost is still the saving message for today. Peter insisted on the three-fold message (Acts 2:38) of Repentance (turning from sin), water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost which is evidenced by the external sign of speaking in other languages. Holy living after salvation is a testimony of the life-changing power of Jesus Christ!
Our Method– Preaching, Teaching and Developing
Christian growth (Discipleship) is a path resulting in service and leadership in the church.
1. Friends and visitors are encouraged to experience the Word of God taught in casual Home Fellowship Groups. Here they can read the Bible, hear the teaching and freely ask questions.
2. From there, they are then encouraged to attend Sunday morning worship and praise services where they are encouraged to obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ and apply Biblical principles to daily challenges.
3. Next, there is the 12-lesson Exploring God’s Word (XGW) Bible study where they can be taught the basic theological principles and Christian life skills for modern, powerful Christian growth.
4. Now, the new Christian is available to assume a position of leadership by serving the community in some form. Christian service is a great opportunity to exercise gifts and develop Fruit of the Spirit, such as meekness, kindness and long-suffering!
5. Extended growth is enabled through attendance of the Australian Apostolic Bible College. These advanced courses contain detailed teaching on the major themes and doctrines of the Bible and may result in earning a Certificate of Theology for Evangelism and the Diploma of Theology for Evangelism. This course is required for all seeking to be licensed as ministers in the United Pentecostal Church of Australia.